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A Beautiful Boquete

Your Weekly Report on the Best Places to Retire 

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 Topretirements   eNewsletter
 December 30, 2008

In This Issue...

  • Hoping for a Cheerier 2009
  • Boquete and Boynton Beach
  • Why is 55+  the Magic Number?


    Happy New Year from the Topretirements team.  
    The picture above of mountains near Boquete, Panama, was taken by our Latin American correspondent. Check out Anne's review of Boquete below. 
    Let's face it, 2008 was a bummer year in many respects. Certainly for those contemplating retirement, with portfolios down 40% or so and real estate depressed as well, there wasn't much to cheer about. Here's our end of year recap.
    Panama is a stable country in Central America that is increasingly popular for retirement. Two other pluses are that it uses the U.S. dollar as its currency and is warm all winter. Fortune Magazine chose it as a best place to retire. Check out Anne's review
    Anyone who says Florida is all the same either hasn't been there or wasn't paying attention. For contrast we offer low-key Boynton Beach, so different from its tonier neighbor, Boca Raton. Both enjoy the same beaches, but there is a way different feel in each (and prices to match). Boynton Beach
    By popular demand our guide to the 100 Best Retirement Towns is now available in paperback. Now you can research all these great towns - from Asheville to Williamsburg - and get loads of practical details including real estate prices, any time or place you want.

    So many people have asked, why is it almost always 55+, and not 50+, 60+, 62+, etc., in 55+ communities? Find out in this timely forum post.

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